Archives: Portfolio - PPA CONTROLL

Highway R2 Ruskovce – Pravotice

PPA CONTROLL, a.s. did complete delivery of construction and technological parts for Motorway Information System (MIS) R2 Ruskovce - Pravotice: Complete communication infrastructure Supply, installation, integration and visualisation of meteorological stations Supply, installation, integration and visualisation of traffic counters Road signal lights Technological nodes Surveillance cameras SIMATIC S7 control system Operator station at the Highway [...]

Motorway D3 Žilina (Strážov) – Žilina (Brodno)

Within the construction of the D3 motorway between Žilina (Strážov) and Žilina (Brodno) PPA CONTROLL, a.s. made complete delivery of construction and technological parts of the Motorway Information System (MIS): Communication and connection infrastructure Delivery, installation, integration and management of complete variable traffic signs Traffic signals Technology nodes Cut-off signal-circuit controllers Delivery, installation, integration and [...]

Jaguar Land Rover

PAINT SHOP – complete execution of the electrical part, measurement and regulation (M&R), fire alarm system (FAS) and evacuation intercom (EI): main and emergency lighting control system of main and emergency lighting transformer stations – 22 kV/400 V transformers, including standby transformer control switchboards (high-voltage, 22 kV; main low-voltage switchboards, active filters and compensation switchboards; secondary [...]

The Považský Chlmec Tunnel

D3 Motorway between Žilina (Strážov) and Žilina (Brodno) - operating since December 2017 PPA CONTROLL, a.s. did the following technological work on the two 2,200-meter tunnels at Považský Chlmec: Design documentation for the technological part of the tunnel Central management system Complete supply of hardware for the SIMATIC S7-400H process controller, including instrument panel Programming for [...]

APP Lozorno

Spoločnosť PPA Power DS s.r.o. prevádzkuje vysokonapäťovú a nízkonapäťovú miestnu distribučnú sieť s dodávkou elektriny konečným odberateľom priemyselného parku. Prevádzkovanie ďalej zahŕňa:​ Tvorba a schvaľovanie distribučných cenníkov, meranie odberov, vyúčtovanie spotreby. Diaľkový monitoring, zasielanie dát na OKTE, SEPS a region. distribútorom Spracovanie fakturačných podkladov pre všetkých odberateľov v rámci MDS Kompenzácia účinníka Analýza kvality siete, [...]

FELSS Ilava Hall

Technological equipment power supply Delivery and installation of the transformer and its connection to HV Delivery and installation of the LV RH03 switchboard Delivery and installation of the RH03 compensation switchboard Delivery and installation of the SIEMENS PS2500/PS1600 busbar system Power supply of production technology, including carrier routes Services: project documentation, individual, complex testing, commissioning, [...]

SCA Hygiene s.r.o.

PS02 HV connection and VH6 substation switchboards Transformer delivery, installation and HV connection Delivery and installation of HV disconnectors including connection to HV supply in VH4 Delivery and installation of switchboards in the VH6 substation, fields RH11/x and RH12/x, and their connection to respective transformers Delivery and installation of RC11 and RC12 compensation switchboards on [...]

Administrative business center Gagarinova Bratislava

Delivery and installation of complete heavy current and light current wiring, cable support systems and installation of terminators in the newly built administrative and shopping center Low-voltage connection delivery and installation LV cable relocation Services: individual, complex testing, commissioning, personnel training, participation in guarantee testing

Zuckermandel Bratislava

Zuckermandel - ČSOB banka Montáž silnoprúdových rozvodov elektroinštalácie a svetelných okruhov Centrálny batériový systém Vyhotovenie dokumentácie skutočného vyhotovenia Dodávka, montáž a projekt skutkového stavu NN rozvody NN rozvádzače Vnútorné a vonkajšie osvetlenie Uzemnenie a bleskozvod Dieselagregát 800 kVA Zuckermandel - administratívne budovy Montáž hlavných rozvádzačov NN Montáž svetelných rozvádzačov Dodávka a montáž vnútorného osvetlenia Dodávka [...]

Derby&Derbyshire WTC

Production, delivery and installation of switchboards, interconnecting boxes, switch boxes Delivery and installation of 110 V DC and 400 V AC UPS Delivery and installation of armoured cables, cable support systems for low voltage distribution, instrumentation and optical networks Testing of cable systems, instrumentation and optical networks Engineering support of the project and installation [...]

New Generation Hospital Michalovce

Delivery and installation of high-current wiring, cable support systems and installation of terminators Delivery and installation of a low-voltage connection to the new hospital building Services: individual, complex testing, commissioning, personnel training, participation in guarantee testing


Starobeshevo Power Plant (Ukraine) Power Plant in Hama (Syria) Power Plant in Kaboun (Syria) Power Plant in Midan (Syria) Thermal power plant for nickel plant in Moa (Cuba) Supplies for the food industry lines - ODENBERG ENGINEERING (USA, Japan, France, Poland, Egypt, South Africa, England, China, Greece, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Spain, Turkey) Voestalpine AG [...]

Water treatment plants

WTP Tisovec - power electric and construction electric equipment and work, measurement and control, ASRTP-control system connected to the control centre WTP Detva - power electric and construction electric equipment and work, measurement and control, ASRTP-control system connected to the control centre WTP Veľký Krtíš - power electric and construction electric equipment and work, [...]

Other road constructions

Service and maintenance of the Bôrik tunnel equipment and motorway D1 Važec - Jánovce, section III (2015 - 2019) Modification of the Bôrik tunnel equipment to enable the transport of dangerous goods - ADR (2014) Service and maintenance of the Bôrik tunnel equipment and motorway D1 Važec - Jánovce, section III (2015 - 2019) [...]


PPA Power DS s.r.o. operates a high-voltage and low-voltage local distribution network with electricity supply to final consumers of the industrial park. The operation further includes: Creation and approval of distribution price lists, consumption metering and billing of consumption. Implementation of smart metering systems according to Decree No. 358/2013 Coll. Remote monitoring, metering and [...]

AIRPORT Industrial Park Košice

PPA Power DS s.r.o. operates a high-voltage and low-voltage local distribution network with electricity supply to final consumers of the industrial park. The operation further includes: Creation and approval of distribution price lists, consumption metering and billing of consumption. Implementation of smart metering systems according to Decree No. 358/2013 Coll. Remote monitoring, metering and [...]

APP Lozorno

Project description PPA Power DS s.r.o. operates a high-voltage and low-voltage local distribution network with electricity supply to final consumers of the industrial park. The operation further includes: Creation and approval of distribution price lists, consumption metering and billing of consumption. Remote monitoring, metering and transmission of data to OKTE, SEPS and regional distributors. [...]

ProLogis Park Bratislava

PPA Power DS s.r.o. carries out technical and non-technical management of buildings and facilities: Facilities and technical equipment: Transformer stations, HV / LV switchboards, lighting CCTV and attendance system Heading, boiler rooms Gas distribution, RSP Ventilation and air conditioning equipment Water supply and sewerage Lifting equipment - gates Fire equipment (electric fire signalling, fire [...]

ZF Slovakia

PPA Power DS s.r.o. carries out technical and non-technical management of buildings and facilities for ZF Slovakia: Facilities and technical equipment: Transformer stations, HV / LV switchboards, lighting CCTV and attendance system Heading, boiler rooms Gas distribution, RSP Ventilation and air conditioning equipment Water supply and sewerage Compressed air lines and compressor stations Lifting [...]

D1 Park Senec

PPA Power DS s.r.o. carries out technical and non-technical management of buildings and facilities:   Facilities and technical equipment: Transformer stations, HV / LV switchboards and distribution networks, lighting Gas pipelines and gas regulation station Water supply and automatic pressure stations Rainwater and sewage drains, waste water pumping stations Roads and reinforced areas Greenery [...]

Nuclear power engineering

Jaslovské Bohunice nuclear power plant - V2 modernisation Mochovce nuclear power plant - 1st and 2nd unit Mochovce nuclear power plant - 3rd and 4th unit completion VÚJE - severe accident management EBO

Power engineering

Vojany power plant Hydroelectric power plant Považská Bystrica Hydroelectric power plant Dubnica nad Váhom Hydroelectric power plant Nové Mesto nad Váhom Hydroelectric power plant Liptovská Mara Steam-gas cycle Levice PVE Čierny Váh Hydroelectric power plant Gabčíkovo


US STEEL, Košice Heineken Hurbanovo Slovnaft Volkswagen Slovakia VW Automobile Park Lozorno Duslo Šaľa SCP Ružomberok Holcim Rohožník Bratislava incineration plant PSA Trnava Samsung Galanta Bangjoo Šurany Railways of the Slovak Republic Samsung Voderady Hansol Voderady Manitowoc Veľký Šariš Matador Púchov CONTINENTAL MATADOR RUBBER, s.r.o. [...]


Hotel Carlton Slovak Telekom The Slovak National Museum WTP - Detva, Veľký Krtíš, Brezová pod Bradlom, Poltár, Krupina, Stará Turá, Sereď City Arena football stadium, Trnava


D1 motorway Behárovce-Fričovce The Horelica tunnel D3 motorway Hričovské Podhradie - Žilina D1 Motorway Vrtížer - Hričovské Podhradie The Bôrik tunnel


Internal heavy-current distributions and lighting Grounding and a lightning rod Equipment testing Engineering


Implementation of electrical installation work as part of the project documentation: LV cable networks for artificial lighting and safety (emergency) lighting LV cable networks for socket circuits for supplying portable technological equipment LV cable networks for supplying air conditioning and ventilation technology and balneo-technology Weak current cable networks for the sound distribution in premises [...]

Shopping Centre Galéria Košice

22 KV Switchboard Metering of HV power consumption 22/0.4 KV, 1 600 KVA transformers Compensation switchboards and LV switchboards 22 KV and 0.4 KV internal cable connection Earthing of a transformer station Electronic lighting and plug-in distributors in a transformer station Emergency source 270 KVA diesel generator RN switchboard LV power cables for HVAC [...]


Internal heavy-current distributions and lighting Supply and installation of a transformer station and 22 KV substation Supply and installation of a diesel generator and UPS Grounding and a lightning rod


Supply of electrical equipment and material Installation work of electrical wiring for artificial lighting, operating heavy current power lines, power supply of technological equipment, HV, LV and lighting site distribution network Testing, inspection and engineering of electrical parts Geodetic survey of HV, LV and public lighting electrical distribution systems Project documentation of the actual [...]

RIVER PARK Bratislava

Works include the implementation of electrical installations and all associated auxiliary work in the basement complex and in all above ground units. Scope of delivery: Electrical installations Bus bar system Grounding and an active lightning rod Diesel generator Outdoor lighting


Electrical installations - heavy-current network LV connection - electrical part Diesel generator Site lighting

Extensa Business Park Trnava

PPA Power DS s.r.o. is a supplier of energy services to the local distribution network operator of electricity and gas. We focus on professional supervision, consulting and legislative management of the Extensa park site near Trnava. Its activities for final customers ensure: Advice when buying electricity and gas. Legislative management of the local distribution [...]

P3 Logistic Park Lozorno

PPA Power DS s.r.o. is a supplier of electricity and the distribution network operator. Its activities for final customers ensure:   Purchase and subsequent supply of electricity. Operation of the local electricity distribution network. Creation and registration of new points of delivery and certification pursuant to legal regulations. Creation and approval of distribution price [...]

Industrial park Poprad – Matejovce

Scope of implementation: Cable route with a length of 1,380 m or air HV connection route with a length of 2,130 m from 110 / 22KV PS Poprad-Stráže to the substation at the PP site. Relocation of 22 kV overhead transmission line with a length of 630 meters at the Tatravagónka site. Reconstruction of [...]

TM Kuzmice substation

Project description TECHNOLOGICAL PART OF CONSTRUCTION: • Review and re-insulation of transformers • 110KV substation technology • Remote management and control (ASRTP) • Setting, calculation and parameterisation of protections • Linking lines L6791, L6835 and L6792 • Modification and modernisation of 22KV substation • Modification of transit sub-station (AM) connections BUILDING PART OF CONSTRUCTION: [...]

Photovoltaic power plant, Drahovce

PPA Power DS s.r.o. is the operator of photovoltaic power plant, Drahovce. Its activity ensures: Continuous supervision over electricity production in the required parameters On-line monitoring of electricity production and comparison with sunshine Power plant component preventive maintenance “Turn-key” legislative administration and compliance with all of the responsibilities on behalf of the manufacturer (notifications, [...]

Planta Centro power plant in Venezuela

Reconstruction of 400 MW boiler No. 5 - EPC CONTRACT 420 KV block terminal (surge arresters) 30 MVA transformers 5BT01 and 5BT02 Generator terminal and nullifier Generator drive system Electronic protection and measurement, MicroSCADA HV block substation LV block substation Subordinate substation at + 6.1 m Subordinate water treatment distributor Subordinate pumping station distributor [...]

ENO Nováky

Replacement of rectifiers was implemented for the Slovak power plants, Inc., Nováky. Due to the requirement to increase the output current of 400 A to 500 A, power cables to rectifiers were replaced as well as the output cables from rectifiers to the distribution switchboard.   Delivery and installation: 24 VDC/500 A rectifiers Power [...]

Refinery Petrobras, Brazil

Reconstruction of two boilers was carried out with the following parameters:   Amount of steam: 180.0 t/h Steam pressure: 9.02 MPa Steam temperature: 485.0 ° C   Amount of steam: 30.0 t/h Steam pressure: 3.73 MPa Steam temperature: 382.0 ° C   Delivery of field instrumentation Delivery of installation material Complete PD for all [...]

Power Plant Oroszlány, Hungary

In the context of upgrading the power plant boilers, the following equipment and work was delivered: Supply and installation of heavy-current distributors Design, supply and installation of field instrumentation and connection to the control system Project documentation for the SRTP part: Delivery of sensors and switchboards, including installation and connection to the control system [...]

Zvolenská teplárenská, Inc.

Project documentation for the reconstruction of boilers Delivery of electrical equipment and materials for the reconstruction of boilers Installation work of electrical equipment and wiring to the boilers Delivery of electrical equipment and material for the transport of wood chips Installation work of electrical equipment and wiring for the transport of wood chips New [...]

Starobeshevo Power Plant, Ukraine

Project documentation for LV and HV distribution, HVAC system, lighting and management system Simatic S7 - 400 control system, application and programming Programming of technological processes WinCC SCADA Installation, installation and commissioning 6 KV, LV, control system, lighting and HVAC system

Power plant in the Moa nickel smelter plan, Cuba

When upgrading the heating plant, the following equipment and work were delivered in stages: 10.5 KV and 6.3 KV substation 0.48 kV LV main switchboard Subsidiary switchboards for boilers K6 and K7 Output of TG 3 power and replacement of electrical protection Compensation switchboards for 3 cooling tower fans Switchboards for external fuel management [...]

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant

Reconstruction of 0.4 KV section switchboards - Production, delivery and installation for the 1st and 2nd unit of the nuclear power plant (NPP) Complete reconstruction of low voltage switchboards for both units of the NPP EMO12 during general shutdowns of individual blocks Verification of the facts according to the original project documentation Preparation of an [...]

STRABAG Haus Bratislava

1.     Heavy current Delivery and installation of transformers and transformer terminals of the LV side LV and compensation switchboards Climbing routes and cable routes for the HVAC system, electrical installations, measurement and control Switchboards for each floor Complete cable system for the HVAC system and for measurement and control Lighting Emergency lighting - central [...]

Nuclear power plant Jaslovské Bohunice R07

Information systems - Modernisation and Safety Improvement of NPP V2 Complete supply, installation, testing and commissioning of multi-level, hierarchic, integrated information - control systems for both NPP V2 units, which are used for the collection, visualisation and data archiving serving for: Monitoring, documenting, analysing and managing the course of technological processes in real time Provision [...]

Mochovce JOB02 Nuclear Power Plant

Engineering activities ELE and CMS for MO34 - nuclear part Scope of work: Project management Project documentation of the "Detail Design" stage Documentation of the actual construction in option Project supervision on site Inspection on site Handling of project deviations Resolution of potential collisions Proposal of alternative solutions arising during implementation Processing of 3D PDMS [...]

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant JOB I007

Engineering activities - ELECTRICAL and CMS for MO34 - Secondary part Scope of work: Project management Project documentation of the "Detail Design" stage Documentation of the actual construction Project supervision on site Inspection on site Handling of project deviations Resolution of potential collisions Proposal of alternative solutions arising during implementation Processing of 3D PDMS model [...]

Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant E005

General electrical part for the 3rd and 4th unit of the NPP Design, supply, installation and individual testing of complete sets of equipment of general electrical parts for the nuclear power plant - own consumption. Supply, installation and commissioning of measuring and control instruments for an alternator, power outlet and own consumption and the control [...]

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